Monday, December 1, 2008


At least if I have to have stress induced habits, why can't they be fruitful? Why can't I paint or exercise or clean? Why do I bake yummy high calorie foods or eat said foods or sleep way to long? Is it really too much to ask? Or at least make my friends who exercise and clean and paint stay far far away and not make me feel guilty!


Amanda said...

Heee hee. Yep. I hear ya. Except I tend to go out and spend money. Makes me feel better. Yesterday I bought 3t superman pjs.


Lisa said...

I do this too - not so much the baking, but definitely the eating. I tend to stay up too late doing mindless, useless things. So many projects on my list, but are they getting done? No.

Katy said...

I am so with you on this....if I lived close, I would be a friend that didn't have to stay away because I also sleep too much, eat too much, etc. etc. =)

kayder1996 said...

Should have added the shopping one...that too. How many shirts and onsies and pants and sweaters can one child possibly need? Don't know but buying stuff in their absence is a dangerous thing.