Sunday, August 16, 2009

Developmental Stuff

When we went in for Kenson's 3 year old check up and some vaccinations, they asked a bunch of questions related to child development, mostly to help you gauge your child's growth and kind of as a prescreening for early intervention services. Anyway, those questions got me thinking about the developmental tasks Kenson can and can't do. And what better place to write them down for my record keeping than on our blog!

Can do:
Pretty consistently counts to 4, knows other number names, he used to count everything 2, 5, 8 but now it's 1, 2, 3, 4

Knows color names but doesn't correctly attach them to colors, if you ask him what color something is, he always says a color name but it's rarely the right color

Recognizes that letters exist, the other day he pointed at a K on my shirt and told me it was K for Kenson, often points out letters on signs, is doing much better at holding books right side up, pretends to read often but prefers to be read to

Constantly plays using his imagination, pretends to be animals, watches pretend soccer games, directs his toys to go to specific places like the post office and church, such a change from when he first came home and just played but with no purpose

Says most things in sentences or phrases, usually 3 words at a time, sometimes 4 words, it seems like he is daily uses new words

Things we're still working on:

Gross motor skills-he is a bit behind in gross motor skills, most of this is fear based or lack of understanding of how his body works, jumping off of things is finally not scary, he is hesitant to climb on things that look high or unsteady, we've made great progress though as when he first came home he needed help on the stairs, was scared to climb on playground equipment, wouldn't swing in a park swing, and never jumped even just to jump forward, still haven't figured out how to pedal a tricycle yet

1 comment:

Kathy Cassel said...

He sounds pretty typical. Yay for the baby 2 nannies.