Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Welcome to our home...

ringworm, giardia, anemia, and a sinus infection! Poor Kenson; that's the doctor's diagnosis. He has like 4 prescriptions he is taking. The giardia is an internal parasite that can cause really bad smelling pooh and diarrhea. Lucky for Kenson the medicine he takes for the anemia can cause blackish, tar like pooh and constipation. How wonderful that the symptoms of one can be treated by the side effects of another. (Just kidding!) All in all, we should have some really interesting diapers in the next few weeks. (I'll spare you all the photographic details!)

Seriously, we hope we get all of it cleared up quickly. Ringworm is supposed to take quite a while to treat, especially when it's on the scalp like Kenson's is. It does make you wonder though when the last time was some of these kids actually felt 100% healthy.


Amanda said...

Poor Baby! What a blessing to bring him home and give him the treatment he needs.

Terry said...

The parasites are probably one big reason he is anemic...poor baby. I'm sure he doesn't know what feeling 100% is...