Monday, November 15, 2010

A Few Line from the Peanut Gallery

Conleigh really likes to say, "Yummy in my throat!"  To get the full affect you must hear it when said it a raspy three year old voice, with similar inflections to "Yummy in my tummy!"

Did you know that Tinkerbell and Woody from Toy Store have a thing?  Apparently they kiss a lot because "dem love each other."  For the record, it's Kenson who dreamed up and acted out this romantic liason.

Conleigh has started calling Kenson "buddy".  As in "Buddy, I got your coat!" or "There you are, Buddy!"  Again, it's better with the raspy voice.

We went to Pizza Hut with my folks last weekend and tried to get Kenson to count for them.  He counted to five which isn't as far as he can go so our exact words were "No, count as high as you can."  His little hand shot up in the air and he continued to count to five.  Again, we said, "No, as high as you can."  When he tried to stretch that hand up higher and higher, we finally realized he was reaching as high as he could and counting.  Which is almost what we meant.

We've been on a bit of a David and Goliath kick lately.  Kenson really liked to sing "Only a Boy Named David" at bedtime and then I showed him the VeggieTales version, Dave and the Giant Pickle.   So today I was priveleged to watch both of them act all of this out.  Kenson started by using a set of headphones as a sling (which promptly got taken away).  Then Conleigh slammed the bathroom door and told me to be careful because there was a giant pickle in there.  At some point, the kid sized chairs were taken into the bathroom to play the part of the giant pickle.  And then they started shoving papers under the door for the giant pickle.  The best part though was the giant fighting ensemble Conleigh picked out...I'm sure Goliath would have run far and fast if he had seen this coming.

(Aqua frilly skirt used as a capelet, pink pants with pink frilly skirt actually used as a skirt, cowboy boots, and a vacuum cleaner attachment horse...A pair of pink high heel princess shoes alternated with the cowyboy boots; you just got the cowboy boot version.)

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