Friday, March 13, 2009

Laughs from the week

From Kenson's lips...We've been trying to get Kenson to not push the buttons on our electonics. (I know, it's probably a loosing battle but we've got so much stuff with buttons that can't be toddler proofed so I'm going to try.) Anyway, I was in another room when I heard the tv being turned off. Then I heard Kenson saying "no, no, no" and watched as he sat himself down on the stairs for a time out.

From my lips..."Next time kiss me without food in your mouth." (That was said to Kenson, not D, just in case you're wondering.)

From D's lips...Regarding the medicated spray we've been using to treat ringoworm, "I get to grafitti my child every night! This is great!" We used up the first can so I quickly grabbed some at Walmart and grabbed the powdered spray rather than the regular spray. Powdered spray on a black child? Um, well, it's white when it comes out and it stays white for quite a while when you spray it on. I think you see what D meant. If only Kenson were a bit bigger, then we could really do some impressive work! Maybe spell out names or special dates or something.

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