Saturday, July 26, 2008

God and Me 7

This week has been busy with D and I spending several days insulating, rewalling, and painting our back porch. I often woke up feeling like I had a lot to do so maybe I should just skip breakfast and my quiet time.

That being said, there were many times throughout the week where I knew God and I were having conversation even if it wasn't during my normal quiet time. I think that's part of spiritual growth, getting little God messages throughout your day.

This month Discipleship Journal had several short articles intermixed with art work depicting prayer. One piece of art I particularly liked because it gave me such vivid concrete pictures of prayer, especially what happens when I pray for others or when others pray for me. As it is a copyrighted image, I can't just copy it and put it on my blog. But I encourage you to head on over to Wayne Forte's site and check it out.

The artist wrote that he has illustrated the scene from Exodus 17 where Moses stop atop a hill overlooking a battle. As long as Moses held up his hands, the Isrealites prevailed but when he lowered them, they started to lose. When Moses' arms grew weary, his friends stepped in and held up his arms. Notice how the triangle formed by the arms and the rim of distant mountains dominates the center of the canvas. This recalls the way God exists in community and our posture under God when we pray for one another.
I hope this picture encourages you.

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