Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Bit of Coaching

The kids and I played some soccer outside week before last.  So sunny and nice unlike the snowy weather of this week.  Somewhere along the way, they decided to pretend one of them was the coach and the rest of us were the players.  There were push ups and pretend whistling.  And a few comments that were just too funny not to write down.

From Conleigh
"Marlin, Christian, Jhonny!  On the line!"

From Kenson
Said while walking from the sidelines, hands on hip, angry glare which I have never seen him have as he is one of the most smiley kids around.  "Marlin!  Don't hit her.  Go sit in time out!"

And yes, Marlin, Christian, and Jhonny are all high school boys who D coaches.