Sunday, September 14, 2008

God and Me 12-I'm a Whiner!

Week two of my long term sub in 3rd grade. I've basically spent the last two weeks being overly anxious about things related to this sub job. I committed to some more things at church with the thought that I would have more time as I was not working full time. This sub job has been a bit more like a full time job and that has left me feeling pressured in the time arena. So instead of praying about it or asking for help in dealing with the time management aspect, I've simply complained about it. Complaining always works, you know? At least you have company in your misery as the rest of those around you get to hear about how rotten things are.

I recognize to that this sub job has allowed me to interact with various people who I normally don't interact with due to shared lunches, etc.. And some of those people are struggling with all the changes that have occurred in their jobs at school too. But I haven't really done a good job of not joining in the griping or of encouraging those people as they are in the thick of it. I knew I wasn't doing very good with that this week. And then during my quiet times I read Psalms 19:14. "May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing to you, Oh Lord." Just the reminder I needed. It takes a lot of effort for me to watch what I say. I'm a gabber by nature. But the real deal is God has given me what I need for godly living and this verse can help me if I choose to think about it throughout my week.

1 comment:

NUSLP said...

Amen Sista! Great verse!