Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Deep Dark Secrets of Toddler Adoption, #6

#6...I'm not really sure it's a secret. I honestly can say I have enjoyed our experiences with toddler adoption. Even the tough stuff. There is much joy to be found in 2 and 3 year olds. The delight they find in new things. The simple ways that they amuse themselves. The way they are honest to a fault. The way they develop their personalities and senses of humor.  
I think I'll end my list of secrets by sharing an invaluable resource if you're considering toddler adoption.
The Weaver's Craft is a practical and hands on type book dedicated just towards the topic of toddler adoption. It provided me much insight into what a newly adopted toddler might need. And it also provided me with much hope when I was discouraged or frustrated. It allowed me to view the small actions of my kids that might have easily been overlooked as signs of positive attachments.

Toddler adoption isn't probably a perfect situation for every family. But for us, it's been a great fit.

1 comment:

Esther said...

This book was invaluable for us! I read it before our (2 1/2 year old) twins came home. So very many good points. I definitely want to read it again, now that my kids are easing out of toddlerhood.... BTW, your posts on "The Secrets of Toddler Adoption" have been WONDERFUL for me to read. I am relieved to know what we experienced (and still experience) is "normal" as far as toddler adoptions go. And I am not alone!