Friday, November 5, 2010

Rockstar Challenge

Inspired to Action had a great post a few days ago.  Just plain and simple truths.  It reminded me of something I heard Maya Angelou say about kids.  That when your kids walk in the room, your face should light up and they should recognize how genuinely glad you are to be in their presence.  That those first moments of togetherness in a room teach your kids volumes about their value.  (It's something that has been an anchor belief for me both as a teacher and as a mom.) 

Anyway, read on and challenge yourself to slow down and be a rockstar...I had a rockstar moment yesterday as the conductor of a train made out of dining room chairs...

I’m A Rockstar on Tuesdays

I’m a rockstar every Tuesday at 11:30am. And again at 12:00pm.

That’s when I have lunch at school with each of my daughters. When I walk in, their eyes light up, they jump out of their seat and greet me with a hug that seems to require every last ounce of their strength. They pull their chair as close as possible and we proceed to hugeat for the next 30 minutes.

Hugeating is the process of putting food in your mouth while snuggling as close to your mama as you possibly can. My kids are professionals.

The funny thing is, it’s not just MY kids that get excited. Their friends do too. They rush to sit at our table. We play thumb wars, foot wars and we talk with funny accents.

This week as I was grabbing food for their lunches, I saw a leftover plastic pink table cloth in the pantry. I brought it to school and put it on the table before they arrived.

My oldest daughter walked in, put her hands over her mouth like people do when they’re presented with a BRAND NEW CAR!!! She squealed and smiled a Texas sized smile.

It was a pink plastic table cloth. It cost .99.

But my daughter and her friends acted like I’d given them the moon.

It doesn’t take much to make kids happy.

We don’t need to take them to DisneyLand. We don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on toys. We don’t need to throw a huge, elaborate party.

All it takes is 30 minutes and a pink plastic table cloth.


Sherri said...

ahhh, thank you. Particularly today this was a blessing!! Tomorrow I'm GOING to be a rockstar!!

christiancari said...

LOVE it!! It's true - some of the most simple & cheap things are the things kids get very excited about. But mostly they get excited about spending fun times together with you.