Saturday, January 2, 2010

T is for Tree

Finishing up our t i s for tree stuff...we're only a few days past Christmas.

These Christmas trees are cute and easy to do. Cut a triangle from gift wrap to make the top of the tree. Then cut the triangle into three or four horizontal pieces. Cut out a star and tree trunk and you're good to go.

Not only can you do t is for tree but the language you use while gluing the trees on the paper is great learning language. Find the biggest piece. Put the smallest piece on the top. Which one is bigger? Good stuff.

We made four trees and hung up three of them. The other, we turned into a thank you card for our neighboor since he brought Kenson a Christmas present.

On a funny note, Kenson has been all about t's. He started drawing them on the magnadoodle on the way to my mom and dad's for Christmas. And he has decided that it's easy to make them using sticks and spoons and fabric scraps. When he sees straight things, he delights in making them into t's.


Kathy Cassel said...

Fun idea. Glad he's learning his abc's.

Jen said...

Very cute!