Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Haiti Earthquake-please pray

As I'm sure many of you have heard, Haiti was hit by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake today. If you haven't been there I'm not sure if you can understand how devestating this will be. An earthquake of that size causes major catastrophes in developed countries like the US. I cannot even begin to fathom the devestation and horror stories that will come out of Haiti. The earthquake was centered near Port Au Prince which is a sprawling, congested metropolitan area, a place that is past its maximum capacity. Kenson's orphanage and birth family are in Port. Conleigh is 40 miles from Port, northeast. The center was to just off the coast so it would have been west of Port. Obviously, it was felt many hundreds of miles away. My heart just sinks to hear this news, to know how many people will die or have already died, to know how many children will be left parentless, to know how many families who have children still in Haiti are probably fearful and anxious, to know there are many other families who are wondering about their loved ones who live and work there. Here's the info from CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/americas/01/12/haiti.earthquake/index.html

Update-Conleigh is okay and the orpanage appears to be undamaged but they were waiting for structural evaluation. Kenson's orphanage has been damaged. All the kids are okay. A nanny or cook was hurt when a wall fell on her. We will probably not hear anything on his birth mom. The missionaries I follow/know all seem to be okay. I have not contacted or heard from the Whites, a family from my home town area but will not bog down their email with contacting them. I cannot imgaine what Port Au Prince looks like.


Marlo said...

I've been thinking of you all afternoon. I hope you get news soon that Conleigh is safe and well.

kayder1996 said...

Thanks for thinking of us.