Friday, July 24, 2009

A Love Affair to Remember

Kenson currently has a love affair going. Unfortunately, it's with poop. Yes, poop. He talks about it way more than I would like. Perhaps it's a boy thing. Maybe it's a 2 almost 3 thing. Regardless, we have many poop encounters each day. We often count the number of poops in the toilet. We love to tell everyone when we have pooped, usually in a voice that is so not appropriate for the indoors and defintely not appropriate for public spaces. We are very wary and audibly cautionary of Mia poop when playing outside in the yard. (Mia is the dog.)

Case in point...
Tonight, D had summer league soccer so Kenson and I went and got groceries and then came back and watched the boys finish playing. On the way across the soccer field, he reminded me to "Atch out Mia poop!" We then situated ourselves on a blanket in the poopless grass and got out our animal crackers to enjoy. About 15 minutes later, he grabs an animal cracker by the head, points its posterior to the grass, and proudly tells me "Poop!" Um, is your animal cracker pooping? You bet your bottom dollar he is. That was followed by Kenson eating the animal cracker and telling me "Eat. Poop." Yummy! I'm pretty sure girls don't play this way. Maybe I'm wrong. But it's just a hunch.

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