Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Why my windows are still dirty

Today, I had some time alone.  The kids were at preschool and I wasn't sure about what to do with my morning.  As I was trying to decide what to do with my time, cleaning the living room windows popped into my head.  They are the extra tall windows that come with living in an old house.  The kind that cause the bottom pane of glass to be right at face height for little people.  And in our house, one of these windows is right behind the chaise on our sectional.  It is the perfect "waiting for Papa" spot.  The window faces our backyard and has a clear view of the driveway.  Since D has started soccer and has had many later than normal nights, I often find my kids standing hunched over the chaise.  Bent at an angle, their torsos extend across the furniture and their little fingers and noses press into the glass.  A few moments of stillness, looking for Papa, then a mad dash onto the next activity.

So today I was going to wash my windows. 

Until I decided that those fingerprints and nose smudges seemed like pretty important stuff.

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