Saturday, December 14, 2013

Today is Today

Today the daytime temp was around 20 degrees.  And yet a little girl wore a swimming suit around the house and carried a purse because she was on her way to Washington to do gymnastics.

Today the same child wore her lavender and lime galoshes outdoors to play in the snow because she was certain her three layers of socks would work just as well as snowboots.

Today I heard the quick response of a son who wanted nothing else but to help his dad put together a piece of exercise equipment, because there is something amazingly special about building something with your dad.

Today I felt the flushed cheeks of a three year old who ran a low grade temp all afternoon, who slowed down today and wanted the closeness of skin that a mom provides.

Today I cleaned up one broken dinner plate and two spilt glasses of water within a 30 minute time span.

Today I accidentally crushed a boy who I expect to act more grown up than his seven years when I got angry because he opened the bread machine while it was baking and poked his fingers into the rising loaf.

Today I was reminded of the words I spoke in November at our church's Thanksgiving service.  Words about what I am thankful for, about what God has been doing in my life.

Today is today.  This moment is THE moment.  It is where God has me, where God wants me, where He has called me, where He has set me.  It is a bit broken but full of pockets of blessing.  Today is today.

“Our fall was, has always been, and always will be, that we aren’t satisfied in God and what He gives. We hunger for something more, something other.”   Ann Voskamp

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