Friday, December 16, 2011

'Tis the Season...

For exploding heads?  I have serious felt like my head was in danger of exploding this week.  Waayyy too much stuff going on.  I accepted a short term, multi day sub job which has definitely made my life busier.  I am glad I get to help my friend, Kathy, out by being in her music room all of this week, part of next, and then for a few more days after Christmas break but it means a new schedule and less time to get the normal schedule done.  (As indicated by the gigantic pile of laundry, crumbs on my counters, papers and mail that is everywhere, and the dirty dirty floors and bathrooms.  2-3 days a week is plenty of work for me in terms of subbing so doing a full week is more than what I usually will do.) 

Add to that two church events on Wednesday and Thursday night which meant no extra time after supper and a trip to Norfolk this weekend to celebrate Christmas with D's family and the little time we did have is reduced yet again.  So glad we get to do those things so don't interpret that as a complaint; it's just there's a lot going on right now. 

In addition, there is a ton of mental busyness right now too.  D is finishing up a grad class.  We're still trying to sort out the finances and plans for a house.  We've started the paperwork for another adoption.  Our tax return is being audited and requires additional follow up.  The Christmas shopping is not quite done and I have a few more food items that I need to make for different events.  I have several Etsy orders that I need to finish before the holidays and then will have several new ones to start on once Christmas is over. 

We've been living in the land of loose ends for awhile now and the hectic pace of the last few weeks have definitely made those loose ends seem even looser.  Really looking forward to the weekend, then two days of work, and then a bit of a reprieve.  

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

"The land of loose ends" ... boy, can I relate. May God give your grace and strength to make it through the other side!