Friday, February 25, 2011

Hello Morning!

I wrote a few weeks ago about craving some stillness and quiet with God.  Truth be told, sometimes the thought of that is completely irritating.  I'm a goer, a doer,  mixed with some major dreamer.  I don't always like the thought of sitting still and waiting, of soaking in God's goodness.  To be honest, sometimes it feels like a waste of time because I would rather be accomplishing something or at very least, doing a leisure activity that I would like to do.  But a few weeks ago, that was what I was craving.

Then this week, I decided to commit to doing a challenge from the Inspired to Action blog.  I had actually known about the Maximize your Mornings Challenge for awhile.  The challenge is about getting up before your kids to start your day with God and to organize your day.  But for me, a person who loves to sleep and whose children are always up early (as in I have one who I don't think has ever slept any later than maybe 7:30 on maybe a handful of times), the challenge of carving out extra time in your morning was unappealing.  Getting up before my kids are up would require probably getting up at 6.  I would rather be poked with sticks and prodded with hot metal.  The other problem I have is that I have no set schedule.  My work schedule is erratic.  My kids go to preschool three days a week and I am available to sub those days.  But sometimes I work and sometimes I don't.  And getting up and getting things accomplished even when you don't have to be to work is a challenge for me.  Anyway, the general jist is I'm a bit lazy.

But for some reason something changed in me.   My heart's been a bit softer about it.  And I actually looked at what the challenge was about and realized there were accountability groups on Twitter dedicated to other women encouraging you to do the challenge.  And for some reason, it seemed more doable.  I don't tweet so I've instead decided to join the Facebook group for Inspired to Action which also has a group of women who are getting on in the mornings and encouraging each other.  The Facebook page also has encouragement of other sorts like prayer ideas, worship songs, etc..  I haven't had time to read through the ebook that goes with the challenge.

If you're looking for a way to perk up your morning, completely rewrite your morning, or just some accountability to get going in the morning, check out the challenge.

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